

The UpSkill休斯顿 initiative’s 提升技能工作论坛 Series presents conversations with regional business, 教育和社区领袖, policy makers and high-profile thought leaders on the key workforce issues the greater Houston region confronts. The series supports and advances the initiative’s work to help employers identify the key skills they need for workers to be successful, 提供有关职业和路径的相关信息, 并推动有效的职业指导. 


Building a highly skilled workforce is critical to strengthening and supporting Houston’s global competitiveness and to improving economic opportunity for its residents. 这些思想领袖的对话强调了研究, 为劳动力发展决策提供信息的工具和实践. 


皇冠HGA010官方下载转型正在推动清洁皇冠HGA010官方下载劳动力的发展. 作为转型的领导者, the Houston and Texas Gulf Coast region is poised to prepare this workforce and successfully shift to a more diverse, 公平的, 包容和可持续的皇冠HGA010官方下载未来. 美国偶像Lady Idos.S. Department of 皇冠HGA010官方下载 and Katie Mehnert of ALLY 皇冠HGA010官方下载 join the Partnership’s 科比黑 and Peter Beard to discuss workforce trends, 清洁皇冠HGA010官方下载工作, 以及必要的工作技能.


General Assembly's Tom Ogletree discusses the organization's pioneering approach to education and career transformation focused on in-demand business skills in coding, 数据分析, 项目管理, 数字设计, 以及它如何与雇主合作以满足他们的需求.


哈佛商学院的Joseph B. Fuller and Accenture's Mary Beth Gracy explore the apprenticeship as an underutilized tool for developing talent for a broad scope of industries and job roles while closing skills gaps and creating economic opportunity and mobility. 晚些时候, they’re joined by Aon's Dawn Spreeman-Heine to announce the formation of the Greater Houston Apprentice Network.


Tamar Jacoby, 他是智库“机会美国”的总裁, 加入彼得·比尔德, Greater Houston Partnership区域劳动力发展高级副总裁, for an 提升技能工作论坛 exploring Opportunity America's new report "The Indispensable Institution - Reimagining Community College" and how community colleges can live up to their potential as premier providers of career-focused education and training.


高等教育专员李文杰博士. Harrison Keller discusses the Texas Higher 教育 Coordinating Board's new plan for building a talent strong Texas and its implications for post-secondary education across Greater Houston.


美国工人如何看待经济? 他们如何看待自己拥有的技能以及如何获得更多的技能? Working Nation President Jane Oates and Greater Houston Partnership Vice President of Regional 员工发展 Peter Beard discuss findings from the new WorkingNation American Workers Survey and their implications for workers, 学生, 教育工作者, 雇主和职业教练.


嘉宾马塞拉·埃斯科巴里和伊恩·塞亚尔, 布鲁金斯学会“未来劳动力计划”的负责人, 与伙伴关系的彼得·比尔德谈谈再培训机会和流动性.


The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated a fundamental change in the education and skills needed to be successful in today’s dynamic economy. 这些与雇主的讨论, 研究人员和教育工作者强调工人现在需要和将来需要的技能, 以及如何识别这些技能, 开发和演示.


奥古斯特·拜伦, co-founder and CEO of Opportunity@Work discusses the demographics and strengths of talent who developed their Skills Through Alternative Routes (STARs)—those other than a four-year bachelor's degree—and the value they hold for employers.

通过教育为美国工人创造机会 & 终身学习

Guild 教育的雇主解决方案负责人马修·丹尼尔和彼得·比尔德, Greater Houston Partnership区域劳动力发展高级副总裁, discuss how employers can make education benefits easy for employees to access and designed with their needs in mind, 以及这样做如何有助于员工留任和流动性.


Greg Hambrick, of Fast Forward Works; Dr. 弗雷德·奥斯瓦尔德, 莱斯大学社会科学学院教授、研究生院主任. 弗雷德·奥斯瓦尔德; and Mandy Williams, 又名“黑,的红色+黑色, engage in a conversation with the Partnership’s Peter Beard around how employers can identify skills that drive success and how we can help individuals identify and obtain jobs matched to their particular skill sets.

支持员工的职业指导 & 学习者

职业顾问和教育工作者在帮助个人做出明智的职业决定方面发挥着重要作用. 这些对话呈现数据, 工具和信息教育者, career counselors and community leaders can use to help individuals identify and navigate pathways to good jobs and to advance their careers.  


Business leaders discuss strategies and approaches that support an inclusive economic and workforce recovery and the new job recovery initiative Houston Back on Track.


Personas can be powerful tools that help employers and organizations that provide skills training and other supports understand today’s jobseekers.

通往职业探索之路 & 通路

科比黑, 大休斯顿合作伙伴组织的区域劳动力发展主管, 嘉宾:陈薇, BridgeYear的联合创始人兼执行董事, 劳拉·克里斯科·布伦南, 德州在线课程主任, discuss experiential approaches to career exploration that offer middle school and high school 学生 the opportunity to test their skills and explore career options.


以社区为基础的组织如何提供人才管道? 玛丽希尔伯特, Northwest Assistance Ministries learning center director; Samantha Sherman, Wesley Community Center chief program officer; and Eric Goodie, 休斯顿地区城市联盟负责增长和可持续发展的副总裁, speak with Greater Houston Partnership Vice President of Regional 员工发展 Peter Beard about how community based organizations are uniquely equipped to train, place and grow talent employers need and help Houstonians to follow pathways into good career opportunities.

Upskilling, Reskilling & 新的TWC劳动力资金

德克萨斯州劳动力委员会的Courtney Arbour和Dale A. Robertson discuss with the Partnership’s Peter Beard funding available for skills development training programs and for individuals who want to enhance their skills.

经济的见解 & 重新审视劳动力挑战

Gulf Coast 劳动力 Board Principal Economist 帕克哈维 shares insights into May and June labor market data for the Greater Houston region.


休斯敦Genesys Works的Katherine Taylor, Parker Dewey LLC的Jeffrey Moss. and the Partnership's Peter Beard examine the value of remote and micro-internships for businesses and interns.

洞察当前 & 未来劳动力挑战

Gulf Coast 劳动力 Board Principal Economist 帕克哈维 and the Partnership's Peter Beard discuss the changing labor market due to COVID-19 along with current and future workforce challenges.


斯蒂芬妮·德雷克, NextOp老兵, 和卡拉·汤普森, 特纳工业集团总裁, discuss the transferable skills and experiences that military veterans bring to the civilian workforce.

